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The most comprehensive, detailed & informative Home - EMF - IEQ Inspections available in New Brunswick
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Helping you make wise decisions and avoid costly mistakes!

Building biology sets nature as the gold standard for a healthy human environment. The role of a building is to shelter us from climatic extremes without sacrificing the vitality of the natural world.

Indoor Environmental Quality Inspections (IEQ)

Helping you make wise decisions and avoid costly mistakes in Saskatoon, SK!

What We Inspect For


  • Visual walk through inspection of the entire property.
    • Including all building systems such as the heating, air-conditioning (HVAC)
  • Carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide & Formaldehyde levels.
  • Visible light levels & sound levels.
  • Radon, Mold,  VOC's or (Volatile Organic Compounds) with Interpertation.
  • Dust and Particulate Assessment.
  • Exterior Drainage Assessment and Recommendations.
  • Complete EMF (Electromagnetic Radiation Assessments), including Body voltage (in sleeping areas).
  • Electrical EMF measurements (both AC magnetic and AC electric fields).
  • Wireless technology.
  • Microsurge Electrical Pollution (AKA Dirty Electricity).
  • Check the building and property for EMF hot spots.
  • WETT Inspections performed by a Certified WETT Inspector.
  • And a whole lot more...

What is Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)


Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) refers to the quality of a building’s environment in relation to the health and wellbeing of those who occupy space within it. IEQ is determined by many factors, including lighting, air quality, and damp conditions. Clients are often concerned that they have symptoms or health conditions from exposure to contaminants in the buildings where they work or live. One reason for this concern is that their symptoms often get better when they are not in the building. While research has shown that some respiratory symptoms and illnesses can be associated with damp buildings, it is still unclear what measurements of indoor contaminants show that individuals are at risk for disease. In most instances where a person and his or her physician suspect that the building environment is causing a specific health condition, the information available from medical tests and tests of the environment is not sufficient to establish which contaminants are responsible. Despite uncertainty about what to measure and how to interpret what is measured, research shows that building-related symptoms are associated with building characteristics, including dampness, cleanliness, and ventilation.
Indoor environments are highly complex, and building occupants may be exposed to a variety of contaminants (in the form of gases and particles) from office machines, cleaning products, construction activities, carpets and furnishings, perfumes, cigarette smoke, water-damaged building materials, microbial growth (fungal, mold, and bacterial), insects, and outdoor pollutants. Other factors such as indoor temperatures, relative humidity, and ventilation levels can also affect how individuals respond to the indoor environment.
Understanding the sources of indoor environmental contaminants and controlling them can often help prevent or resolve building-related symptoms. Practical guidance for improving and maintaining the indoor environment is available.
Workers who have persistent or worsening symptoms should seek medical evaluation to establish a diagnosis and obtain recommendations for treatment of their condition.

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